четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

WA: CFMEU offical used belly in assault on construction manager

WA: CFMEU offical used belly in assault on construction manager

A court's been told a building union official used his belly to assault a constructionmanager during an onsite dispute.

Pindan Constructions' VINCE CORICA's told the Perth Magistrate's Court he'd been propelledbackwards by Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union official JIM MURPHY's bellyon November 21 last year.

MURPHY, CFMEU state deputy JOE MCDONALD and union official GRAHAM PALLOT are on trialfor offences allegedly committed during a union attempt to shut down a Perth constructionsite.

MCDONALD's been charged with refusing to leave the premises, resisting arrest and escapinglegal custody during police attempts to arrest him during the strike over Pindan's refusalto sign an enterprise bargaining agreement.

PALLET's charged with hindering the arrest of MCDONALD and resisting arrest.

MURPHY faces charges of assaulting Mr CORICA and a police officer.

The trial comes as the CFMEU's WA leader KEVIN REYNOLDS prepares to surrender documentsto the building royal commission by Friday.

AAP RTV lk/alm/smb/rp


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